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With all the hard work I did throughout my graduate program, I thought I would take the time to showcase the classes I took in hopes that it will give a glimpse of the knowledge I obtained. You can learn more about these courses on the MAET Course Page.

Instructors M. Wever and N Zumpano

CEP 810 kicked off my learning in the MAET program by showing me the foundations to educational technology. During this course I began to understand TPACK and the components to integrating technology. I began to understand the impotance of a professional learning network and built my network with my peers. This course built my foundations to the theories that surround technology in education. 

CEP 810- Teach Understanding with Technology

CEP 811-Adapting Innovative Technology to Education

Instructors C. Marcotte and M. White

I became a maker in CEP 811. During this course, I explored the world of maker spaces, and rethought how I could incorporate that into my classroom. I used a Makey kit and created lessons and uses around using this coding kit with TPACK in mind. This class showed me how curriculum and technology can be put together in a purposeful way.

Fall 2017

Spring 2018

CEP 812-Apply Educational Technology to Practice

Instructors: A. Keller, A. Steinman

I addressed a wicked problem in CEP 812. In this course well structured and ill structured problems and problem solving was at the center of my learning. Looking at failure as a learning mode, myself along with my peers found research to support how mistakes help us to learn. Using surveys and infographics I was able to get my point of my wicked problem across. We also explored how technologies can help us with our info diet. 

CEP 817-Learning Technology Through Design

Instructors: C. Marcotte, C. Richardson, K. Staudt Willet

This course dove into a problem of practice. My problem of practice was implementing technology into a k-3 classroom, and provide teachers with professional development in the area of technology. Through this we discovered how to have empathy for educators, and how we could help address a problem of practice. We designed projects that helped to outline what learning with technology looks like, and how we could provide PD to other teachers to help them be on the same page.I

CEP 800-Learning in School and Other Settings

Instructors: D. Brandon, S. Mehta

In CEP 800 we talked about learning, we had to pick something that we were not an expert in and go through the steps of becoming an expert. I chose meditation as something I could benefit from. I used expert videos to go from being a novice to an expert. From there this course taught us about how learning can happen in and out of the classroom, as well as how we learn from our social surroundings. 

CEP 822-Approaches to Education Research

Instructors: E. Bovee, M. Lachney

In CEP 822  I got the opportunity to research hot topics in education. This was a great chance for me to incorporate what I was learning in my program to a topic of conversation in my district which was an extended year program. I was able to conduct surveys, and read up on the topic or extended year calendars, and take that information back to my district, while still learning the process of conducting and analyzing research. 

Fall 2018

Spring 2019

CEP 820-Teaching Students Online

Instructors A. Heintz

I was introduced to flipped classrooms and blended learning in CEP 820. During this course I designed a course through and online forum to be able to administer to students. I explored the theory behind online learning and how to make it purposeful, while putting that learning into practice. Through this course I was able to design a course that I could administer to my students, and could manage their learning both at home and in the classroom. 

TE 846-Accomodating Different Literacy Learners

Instructors L. Tortorelli

This course is taken by teachers to be able to move forward with their teacher certification, that being said, I acquired a wealth of knowledge on reading instruction. I picked a student and developed a case study around their reading where I used diagnostic assessments and created a plan on how to progress with their reading instruction. Through the course I gained new ideas, and strategies to apply in my teaching, as well as a better understadning behind assessment with reading. 

CEP 807-Proseminar in Edcuation Technology

Instructors: M. Koehler and A. Gaunt

CEP 807 wrapped up my journey in the MAET program. Through this course I continued to build my PLN by working with peers to compile my work into a portfolio. Each week we added new components to our portfolio and gave feedback to each other to help improve our work, and discuss successes as well. I found this course to be a great time to reflect on my work through the program, as well as think about where I wanted to go next in my learning. 

CEP 813-Electronic Assessment

Instructor: S. Keenan-Lechel

In CEP 813 we looked deep into assessment. Through this course I got a better understanding of assessment theory, and how thoughts of assessments have involved over the years. During the course, I created and assessments both digital and non digital, and determined whether the assessments were summative or formative. Throughout the course I looked at assessments of learning, as learning and for learning giving a range of perspectives, and reflected on how my views on assessment changed throughout the course.

Summer 2019

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