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Graduate Work Showcase

Throughout my time in the MAET program I had the privilege to work on some really cool assignments and projects. I highlighted some of my favorites in this showcase.  The themes that I highlight are research, technology, and curriculum. I feel that it is important that when using technology or applying anything  new into practice  you use research to support that choice. The technology artifacts showcase some of my more creative uses of technology through out my course work, and how appiied that technology to curriculum can be seen in the curriculum artifacts. Enjoy!



A majority of my masters work was published on my Wordpress blog.  I began blogging when I started the program.The posts range from ideas I am trying in my classroom, to research I was engaging in. Having the blog helped me to have a voice in my educational community. Enjoy!

Year Round School Research 

 I was given a chance to pick a topic that was current in my teaching experience. I used technology to conduct research on the topic. That research and report lead me to discover some interesting facts about how year round schooling interested people in my district. I was able to share that research with my administration

I used assessment to drive my reading instruction as I conducted a case study on one of my students. Using reading diagnostic tests, I formed my lessons to address her needs. This report outlines the observations I made and resources I used. This project helped me be able to use assessment to drive and differentiate instruction.

Reading Case Study


Choose Your Own Adventure

I spent most of my masters program going through the design process, and as a teacher I am constantly designing lessons and activities. This powerpoint takes the viewer on a choose your own adventure through the design process.  I was able to troubleshoot a designers perspective through this google slide. 

Flex That Success Podcast

In a group project a took a bit of a chance when I decided to do a podcast. This podcast talks about what success is while referencing many sources that discuss how failure helps us to move forward in the learning process. This podcast helped me to take a risk, and find a new love for podcasts.

2nd Grade Online Fairytales Course

In 2nd grade one of our units is traditional literature. I created this online course to help bring the students learning into their home. It is my attempt at a flipped classroom. I created the site on power school learning. Creating this course helped me to be able to develop and administer online courses 


Thinking about the learners of today, and how they are different from previous generations, I created a lesson plan using a topic I familiar with teaching, and modifying it to geared toward the 21st century learner. Creating this lesson got me thinking about future lessons and creating them for a new learner. 

21st Centruy Lesson Plan

Assessment Design Checklist

Assessment is such a huge part in learning and drives instruction. I have formed questions to act as an assessment design checklist to be able to determine the effectiveness of  an assessment. These questions are backed up with research. I hold assessments to a much higher standard now. 

Personal LearningTheory Lesson

Looking at learning theory I designed a lesson, which shows the importance of scaffolding. The lesson stretch throughout a unit on non-fiction text. It shows how I collaborated with colleagues as part of my PLN. Developing this lesson, I learned a new appreciation for collaboration. Together we created lessons which reached all learners. 

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