This week a group of us CEP 812 students go together with a common wicked problem our society faces, and that is looking at failure as a learning mode. In general the word failure holds such a negative context. When we fail the emotions we feel are frustration, and defeat. Those emotions are not something we were born feeling, it is learned helplessness. The four research questions our group decided to tackle this week surround the idea of why our society views failure negatively , and the environments that influence this perception. Those four questions are:
Why do some home environments allow failure and some don’t?
Why does the classroom environment impact a child’s view on failure?
Why does the word(s) fail/failure/failing have such a negative context?
Why do we view each other as competition as opposed to teammates?
This Info graphic below highlights some of the research I conducted this week in order to help my group better understand the answers to these questions.
The inforgraphic can also be viewed here.
Eric, (2015, August 29). How Fear of Failure Affects Learning. Retrieved from
Glaze, S. (2014, November 22). Competition vs Collaboration for Better Team Performance. Retrieved from
Haelle, T. (2016, May 06). How To Teach Children That Failure Is The Secret To Success. Retrieved from
I found great synonyms for “failure” on the new! (n.d.). Retrieved from
S, S. (2017, September 28). Difference Between Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition (with Comparison Chart). Retrieved from
Williams, G. M. (2013, September 08). The Second “F” Word- Why is Failure Such a Negative Thing in This Society. Retrieved from
Word Art. (n.d.). Retrieved from