It seems that I hear from teachers more often than not, all we do is assess. In fact this year we switched to trimesters in our district so that we would not have to assess students as frequently. This week in CEP 813 I am beginning to see that maybe there are ways to assess that does not seem so dreadful. However, until I have fully grasped that concept, I am going to take some time to analyze an assessment that I am already using, and see how that relates to my initial thoughts on assessment as well as my learning from this week.
The Spelling Inventory from the Words Their Way series by Donald Bear is a spelling/ phonics program that my district adopted a few years ago. Part of this curriculum has teachers administer a spelling test 3 times a year, and adjust our students into strategy groups based off the results of that test. These tests contain 26 words that feature a variety of spelling patterns. The test is administered orally and students transcribe each word. The purpose of that assessment is to see what spelling patterns they have mastered and what they are ready to work on. With my grade level we take the primary spelling inventory and that focuses on skills ranging from initial sounds to inflection endings. When taking the test students get points for correct words spelled as well as spelling features used. Some assumptions that go along with this assessment are if a student masters the majority of the features in a column they are ready to move on to the next column of spelling skills. It can also be assumed that if a student spells the word correctly on the test they can spell all words similar to that pattern correctly. These are assumptions teachers can make as they move their students though the different skills. The scoring sheet for this assessment can be seen below.
I enjoy giving this assessment as well as the program because it coincides with some of my beliefs with assessment which I discussed in my last post. This assessment drives my phonics and spelling instruction. From the results I can see where each student needs to focus, and I can cater my lessons to hit those focus areas, it also lets me know if I need to find a different approach to teaching a skill. Being able to drive instruction gives this assessment purpose which is another belief I have with assessment. I also am able to let students know the purpose of the assessment and include them on the “why” this assessment is something we do and how it helps myself as well as them with their learning.
In relating this assessment to the learning we did this week in CEP 813 Shepard’s article talks about how on-going assessment with constant feedback, as well as opportunities to transfer learned skills in routine, and evaluating instruction are some of the important components to think about when assessing. The spelling inventory is an assessment that when used appropriately can help drive instruction. It puts students into strategy groups and gives them opportunities to learn skills in small segments. This assessment is given throughout the year which gives opportunities for group changes and to provide students with feedback on how their spelling has progressed. Which makes the assessment a part of the learning.
After thinking about my learning this week as well as this assessment I have chosen to analyze, I think the spelling inventory is a good example of assessment rethought in a way that makes it apart of the learning process. Which is what other assessment should strive for.
Bear, D. R., Invernizzi, M., & Johnston, F. R. (2006). Words their way. Celebration Press.
Shepard, L. A. (n.d.). The Role of Assessment in a Learning Culture. Teaching and Learning, 229-253. doi:10.1002/9780470690048.ch10